Well, HELLO! from the great beyond! Almost. My, my! March is almost over, April is in 4 days and I’ve been a very, very, busy woman since this new year started! Real life work is getting a bit hectic as many of my coworkers are moving on and I haven’t had time to blog for the life of me! Let alone tweet from my Royal Chronicles account! FWIW, I do tweet quite often on my general account @RealKDPFan4Eva. And when I say general, I mean it is general . I will tweet anything from books to authors I love to soap operas, (to soap writers), to Real Housewives, to and most importantly, Scandal. I also toss out a few random tweets here and there when the mood strikes. So follow me there if you choose! I literally answer everyone who sends me a tweet, good or bad :-). All that said, I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things around here really, really, soon!!! Now that that randomness is out of the way, onto more important subject matters and the real reason I’ve risen from t...