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INFLAMED will be 99cents tomorrow (8/20/16)!!!! If you've yet to grab it, pick it up and tell a friend!

CODE BLUE will officially be out in SEPTEMBER! I've had tons of unexpected setbacks this month in my personal life, but I'm determined to push through and get this book out for you all. 

It's turning out to be one of my favorites and I really can't wait for you all to get your hands on Blue's story! It's sad, it's dark, it's thrilling, it's sexy as hell. 

Once the book is in edits, I'll drop an official DATE.

In case you missed it, here is the official synopsis!

" was hard, it was nasty, it was angry and gritty... it was us."


This book breaks all the rules put in place for traditional romance.
Lying. Cheating. Stealing. Tons of swearing and death.
It shows the uglier, more unpleasant side of being part of an MC.
No kittens. Bunnies. Flowers, hearts or candy. 
No roses and barely even sanity.
It shows how hurt, pain, betrayal and death can haunt the ever loving sh!t out of the living.
It's gritty. Raw. Nasty. Angry. Over the top and in your face salacious.
It will snatch you from your comfort zone. 
It will offend you. It will disgrace you. 
It will chew you up, spit you out and ask that you still have more.
It'll be too much for some and not enough for others.
It makes no apologies and pulls no punches.
If you think you can you handle all of that and then some?
Read on.


Though CODE BLUE is complete with an HEA, it's also the second in a series of standalones featuring various members of the Shadow Riders MC. Therefore it might be in your best interest to read the first book, INFLAMED in order to lessen any amounts of confusion you may have as a reader regarding various characters and situations.

Now with that being said, if you *have* read INFLAMED and were not a fan, then I'm telling you now that CODE BLUE will most *definitely* not be for you. Not even a little bit, not even slightly, so it'd be in your best interest to stay away. Because I didn't hold back in this book nor did I tone it down. In fact, I think I pushed myself past my own limits and boundaries and went just a touch further with various characters and certain situations. So if you've read the first book, then you know by now that Blue is much more mouthy, much more misogynistic and much more crude than River or any of the other brothers could've ever thought of being. He has a filthy, filthy, filthy mouth with regards to sex and women, and he makes no apologies for it.

Overall, there is still a whole lotta swearing, violence and sex. I don't exaggerate in penning these warnings for readers and I don't sugarcoat these reads for any reason. So yes, there are F-bombs in nearly every other word, yes these men talk about sex A LOT, and yes you may be offended by the general content and characters. However, that's the story at hand and the one I've chosen to tell. I love these men to bits, but let's face it, they're straight up criminals and no amount of fantasy writing is going to allow me to pretend otherwise with these stories. So what you see is what you get from these reads; which are dark, gritty, raw, nasty, in your face, crazy out there, as un-PC as you can possibly get and more importantly, unapologetic in how they're written. I pull zero punches with the characters, content, language and overall story. 

Therefore, if you cannot read past the sample pages, if the constant use (and in some cases over usage) of 'bitch', 'whore', 'pussy', 'cunt', 'tits' or any other vitriolic term used when objectifying women and their bodies gets under your skin or just downright pisses you off, then by all means, put this book down and walk away *IMMEDIATELY*. This story, these characters and this world is certainly not meant for everyone and in truth, it isn't meant to be. So again, PLEASE TAKE TIME TO READ SAMPLE PAGES BEFORE DOWNLOADING.

And please be aware that this is an IR (BWWM Romance), and it too will be a hella long read.

Thank you!

Code Blue: A Shadow Riders MC

About the Book:

"That piece of sh!t motherf#$ker ain't ever gonna love you the way you wanna be loved, baby; from inside that big goddamn heart you've got -- straight down to that slick, sweet spot right between those f#$kin' thighs. And I know this sh!t for a fact. I know it for a single goddamn fact that as much as you might try and deny it, as much as you might try and pretend that every goddamn thing we've done up to this point don't matter for the sake of your sanity and a relationship that don't mean sh!t, there ain't never gonna be another motherf#$ker on God's green earth that's gonna love you as hard as I can... love you as hard as you're gonna need -- as hard as you f#$kin' deserve... love you like the goddamn queen you are 'til the end of f#$kin' time."

Two shattered hearts formed one unbelievably solid bond.

From the minute he was patched into the Shadow Riders MC, Anthony 'Blue' DaSilva had only ever been tasked with caring about these things: His club. His booze. P*ssy. And his bike. But since being appointed VP by his best friend and current club president, Jacob 'River' Hawkins, he's now been tasked with making sure his fellow brother doesn't die thanks to jealous and angry members from within, and outside of the club. It doesn't seem like too difficult of a task for the former Sergeant-At-Arms considering he's always been quick on his feet and even quicker with his gun. But when things get too far out of control one night and tragedy strikes a fellow member, he's forced to make a decision that could not only bring more unwanted grief to the club, but unwanted grief upon himself.

Roxanne Townsend never wanted much from life, aside from finding various ways to get the hell out of the one she had been forced into living from the time she was a child. Born and raised in the Raging Bastards of Chaos, she saw the ugliest parts of MC life, parts that included losing her father, and former president of the club, at the hands of another when she was just five years old. Now at twenty-seven, she's determined as hell to break free, refusing to continue swimming in a life that's done nothing but attempt to drown her in a black hole. Unfortunately it's when things start looking up for her that the past comes calling in the form of a one-time enemy. The Shadow Riders need help from her uncle, current president of the Raging Bastards. And lacking the good fortune of her mother to get out while she still can, she somehow finds herself in the middle of a pending war. 

When she meets Blue, all internal hell breaks loose. He's someone she can talk and relate to. Someone who listens and understands. He makes her feel whole again, makes her laugh and see that some parts of the MC life are not as bad as she's always known. But things aren't always what they seem on the surface, and what starts as pure friendship becomes an uncontrollable lust; what grows from that lust turns into an undying need, and insatiable kind of love. One so heartwrenchingly enduring that once the lies, deceit and betrayal plaguing what they've built become exposed, is bound to destroy one of them forever, or kill them both together.


More snippets and sneak peeks will be coming soon!!!


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